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Leon Alberti Battista - Sant'Andrea gevuld met meesterwerken-small.jpg

This is my representation of my most prized possession. I have made this eclectic picture as an ode to 23 of my favorite portrait painters of all times. Of course Von Goethe is also among the crowd. The people are at a church in Mantua (Italy) that was designed and built (1472-92) by Battista (Leon).
To me this picture represents a book that is my most prized possession although it is not with me right now. The book is written by 72 of my former teammembers when I quit my job to go work somewhere else. Everyone has written their personal experiences with me. The cover of the book contains a sun. :)

Show me the subject of your dreams, please?

Just over that little hill... The Indian Ocean... Beautiful yet merciless!!! Powerful yet serene... Sigh... I really wanna go home... And yes I NEED FISH ffs!!!

*composes himself*

Please show me one person, or something that represents said one person, who you can’t live without?