The Appreciation Thread

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Heres a repeat of the rules and such, just as a refresher so that people who view this thread in the future know what to do.
Heres how to play: You tag five members that you are thankful to, followed by the sentence "I appreciate you! " Those five members then tag five members, followed by the same sentence. Only rule? No Tag backs. You cannot tag the person who tagged you. If you are tagged multiple times, you only have to count one of them as a tag. For example, say you get tagged by member A and member B. You would be allowed to pic one, say member A, and count it as your tag, allowing you to tag member B back if you so choose, though, Id prefer if we avoided saying the same exact ones over and over again, so,
once you tag someone, you cannot tag them again. Once youve tagged member A, someone else may tag them, but you cannot, for the duration of 1 day, just to spice it up a little.


I appreciate you
Hahah I say sorry and I appreciate anyone that I speak to on here. Too many rules for me. Titties and Beer for everyone. :)
Hahaha, I only made a few rules for this, and only to keep it interesting, and, yknow, fun, cause it is a game, after all.
Heres a repeat of the rules and such, just as a refresher so that people who view this thread in the future know what to do.
Heres how to play: You tag five members that you are thankful to, followed by the sentence "I appreciate you! " Those five members then tag five members, followed by the same sentence. Only rule? No Tag backs. You cannot tag the person who tagged you. If you are tagged multiple times, you only have to count one of them as a tag. For example, say you get tagged by member A and member B. You would be allowed to pic one, say member A, and count it as your tag, allowing you to tag member B back if you so choose, though, Id prefer if we avoided saying the same exact ones over and over again, so,
once you tag someone, you cannot tag them again. Once youve tagged member A, someone else may tag them, but you cannot, for the duration of 1 day, just to spice it up a little.


I appreciate you

Thank you Light, I appreciate you more than you know love ❤️
Thank you Light, I appreciate you more than you know love ❤️
Awww thanks *blushes*❤❤❤

some people should be appreciated each hour each minute and each second because they give us hope to move forward and do better, and actually the person i'm talking about here is @Sun66 because she is the one who forced me actually to stay here loll and here i am now :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH @Sun66 i appreciate you more than you think thank you sooo much
This is the kind of thing this thread is made for! :)
some people should be appreciated each hour each minute and each second because they give us hope to move forward and do better, and actually the person i'm talking about here is @Sun66 because she is the one who forced me actually to stay here loll and here i am now :D
THANK YOU SO MUCH @Sun66 i appreciate you more than you think thank you sooo much

Awww Marcel, thank you love. That is so kind and loving. Mmmm well ok, can I trust you not to run away if I loosen the shackles now? ❤️
omg! :eek:
*picks up her jaw from the floor, is so shocked that barely manages to get up. walks on shaky legs to the stage. gets her speech cards ready... *
so umm... I'd like to thank the academy...

Well Irene, it was my honour to nominate you for appreciation. We haven’t really met, but whenever I read your posts, and listen to your music links, I always smile. So get up onto the stage and make that speech, you truly deserve it x
ok... so here they are...
@zfta who is my first... Everything here. My Viking, my Love, my Inspiration...his magic is simply endless.
@TheDoctor who swept me off my feet with the very first message.
@TheGreen9411 who is incredibly talented and has a contagious smile.
@Convoluted who is brilliant and true to his name.
@Dragandagy who's been my... Most Precious One for life coach and cheer leader.

I love and appreciate you. <3

P.S. *giggles* I can just imagine them blushing. Lol.

oh, and although he never replies to my texts, honourable mention... @Sherlock_Holmes for all the obvious reasons.
ok... so here they are...
@zfta who is my first... Everything here. My Viking, my Love, my Inspiration...his magic is simply endless.
@TheDoctor who swept me off my feet with the very first message.
@TheGreen9411 who is incredibly talented and has a contagious smile.
@Convoluted who is brilliant and true to his name.
@Dragandagy who's been my... Most Precious One for life coach and cheer leader.

I love and appreciate you. <3

P.S. *giggles* I can just imagine them blushing. Lol.

oh, and although he never replies to my texts, honourable mention... @Sherlock_Holmes for all the obvious reasons.
TNX :D :* <3 u are lovely