Two Truths and a Lie


Well-Known Member
OFC Regular
Known as a party game. This game is good for playing with people you don't know that well. Everyone takes a turn saying three statements about themselves: two that are true, and one that's a lie.

I'll start. To reply simply state which statement is a lie, then continue with your statements.

They don't have to be life-revealing things, just simple hobbies, interests, past experiences etc. The lie can be outrageous, or sound like a truth.

1. I speak four languages.
2. I found a lipstick that will help you lose weight.
3. I love pancakes.
I don't see one to answer so I'll post....

1. I am pigeon toed.
2. I once owned a Laundry Matt.
3. I have a tattoo on my forearm.

I'm goin with pigeon-toed - on account of your legs looking pretty straight, but I've been wrong about things before :D

1. I'm a brunette
2. I don't drive
3. I don't know how to cook