"Would you Rather?"

Plan in advance for sure

Would you rather have your entire body turn lime green whenever you’re nauseous or fuchsia whenever you’re embarrassed?
Fuchsia, as lime green is more horrid of a color (imo)

WYR have X-ray vision of people you find unattractive or everyone else have X-ray vision of you?
Everyone else have X-ray vision of me

Would you rather spend a week in the forest or a night in a real haunted house?
If there is a beautiful woman to keep me company in the room I will be locked in, I would rather be locked in. If I am going to be alone, I would rather be locked out at night.

WYR your partner be kinky or romantic?
Always in the dark. I'm not that confident in my looks, and I know that we all have imperfect bodies. Sometimes it's just nice to not have to show.

WYR Be with someone who loves you or with someone whom you love?
Someone who loves me i think. Because I have empathy, I can appreciate the person who loves me. But if I chose the other one, I might never see that from the person I love.

WYR the person you are in love with love someone else or not be in love with anyone at all?
I prefer Parachute

WYR have to start a new job every year until you retire, or have only 1 job for your entire career?