21 Questions

  • Thread starter Debbiediddallas
  • Start date
A: I always thought Sporty Spice was cool when I was younger... but I wasn't sporty enough - I'd be Lazy Spice \o/

Q: What's a song that has a lot of memories and/or sentiment tied into it for you?
A: Yes, it's where I lost my virginity, in fact, to an older woman. (I was 17, she was 20)

Q: What is your favorite place to touch on your partner because their skin is so irresistably soft?
A: The small of the back. Depending on how you touch it can create so many different sensations.

Q: Give the choice, would you rather find true love or would you want casual sex for at lease a while?
A: The small of the back. Depending on how you touch it can create so many different sensations.

Q: Give the choice, would you rather find true love or would you want casual sex for at lease a while?

Casual sex for at least a while, I'm not in that period of my life when I need love or attention. And that's why I'm not getting into a relationship rn.

Do you think love is necessary to be happy?
No. I believe love is simply a nice bonus.

Same as above.
Well self love isn't selfish, it's important. But sometimes we need a little bit of love from someone even if for example I don't wanna admit it. But yeah, we can be happy even without.

Do you think love is making sex a little bit better?
I don't remember the exact words, just who said them, and that it made me feel so spectacular that I literally cried a little.

Let's chain this question X3