"Would you Rather?"

Flowers in the daytime, candles in the night…. Is that allowed?

Wyr live where they get extreme heat or extreme cold through the year?
It most certainly is.

Extreme heat, no cold, erm, no I'm going to go with cold so I can snuggle down under the blanket in front of the fire haha

Wyr only be able to drink tea or coffee for the rest of your life?
Coffee, not sure I’d be able for all the night shifts without it

Wyr get slapped in the face with a cowpat or walk bare foot in dog vomit?
Oooohh toughie. Initially I want to say cowpat to the face, but they are huge so I'd probably be fishing cowshit out of my cleavage for hours, but I have really ticklish feet... let's go with standing in dog puke, guess its only like a warm foot pack? :D

Wyr play on total wipe out or Takeshi's Castle?
Oh that’s tough, I’d wanna try both…. Ummm, think I’ll go for total wipeout to have fun bouncing on them big red balls lol

Wyr live in an igloo fighting polar bears at your door or in a hut near a swamp surrounded by crocs?
Hahaha definitely has to be the polarbears. Unlimited supply of cosy blankets haha

Wyr live in a tree house that is surrounded by angry snakes or a log cabin surrounded by big ass biting spiders?