21 Questions

  • Thread starter Debbiediddallas
  • Start date
A: I own a fidget spinner too. OK OK, I have three but they are each very different!
LMAO "...better than a severed head..." too funny!

Q: What is your favorite smell?
A: Probably some stuffed animals. But they have meaning for me so who gives a fuck.

Q: Do you or have you used food as a sexual toy?
A: Probably some stuffed animals. But they have meaning for me so who gives a fuck.

Q: Do you or have you used food as a sexual toy?

Yes, I've used ice in moulds before and had quite a bit of fun with them on partners. Sometimes just ice cubes as well. Does using honey and chocolate count? They're more sexual embellishments rather than toys, I suppose. And since we're on the food theme...

Q: If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
A : Pass :/ (Not applicable)

Maybe I should let someone else answer this, with an interesting story perhaps, so
Q : Same.....