21 Questions

  • Thread starter Debbiediddallas
  • Start date
A: A nice dinner, doesn't have to be fancy, just good food and atmosphere. Then a walk somewhere ending up at a place for dessert and coffee. The idea is to talk and get to know the person. Hopefully things lead to further dates.

Q: Favorite type of restaurant to go to one a date?
A: Italian of course lots of slurping and mouth work with those limp noodles.

Q: When was your last date with partner?
I just really wanted to reply to this cause your answer made me laugh my ass off. And cause wife and i had a "date" last weekend where we got really stoned in the hot tub and giggled like we hadn't in a long time. Lol

A: year ago, with ex (became ex 10 months ago)

Q: Favorite thing to hear whispered in your ear?
A: "Follow me"

Q: What sound are you hearing right now?
I just really wanted to reply to this cause your answer made me laugh my ass off. And cause wife and i had a "date" last weekend where we got really stoned in the hot tub and giggled like we hadn't in a long time. Lol

A: "Follow me"

Q: What sound are you hearing right now?
Some of the best times hubby and I have had recently have involved getting stoned and laughing so hard we almost cry! Our last date was to the movies, and I gave him a bj in the movie theatre. It was fun! :p
A: Depends where I'm headed, but mostly the only thing that changes are the shoes. Out with friends, heels/boots of some sort - out to the store, something more comfy like flats/sneakers/sandals - but always jeans and a "flattering" top lol

Q: What's the most useless thing you know how to do? :p
Akshay I can ask your one if your feeling left out. AKSHAY CAN YOU TIE YOUR SHOES? :)
A: Yes, but interestingly, sometimes, I had shoe laces way longer than they should be, so I'd give them a full round through the back of my foot and give it a subtle knot at the front :D

Q: If you only had 24 more hours to live....how'd you spend it?
A: Definitely spend the time with my family and animals. I'd want to go to my favorite spot to look at the sunrise one last time. Seems boring but my favorite place is home and I'd want to be surrounded by all the things that give me peace and comfort.

Q: Do you embrace the times your alone or do you need someone around you all the time?
A: Definitely spend the time with my family and animals. I'd want to go to my favorite spot to look at the sunrise one last time. Seems boring but my favorite place is home and I'd want to be surrounded by all the things that give me peace and comfort.

Q: Do you embrace the times your alone or do you need someone around you all the time?

Bloody good question...
A. I like my own company, andd go for walks on my own.

Same question?